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  • Chin acne in cats is a poorly understood disorder of follicular keratinization (the overproduction of keratin, a protein found in the outer layer of skin). If this excess keratin is trapped in the hair follicle, comedones (blackheads) form. Pustules (pimples) may form if bacteria infect the comedones. The underlying causes are not fully understood but may be associated with excess sebum production, viral infection, immunosuppression, stress, or poor grooming. Treatment options are available and often involve improved hygiene.

  • This handout provides basic guidelines for feeding a pet chinchilla a healthy and balanced diet tailored to the specific needs of chinchillas.

  • Chinchillas can make fun, enjoyable pets. They can live 15-20 years, so the family must plan for a long-term commitment. They require a cage with a wheel to run in to help them maintain their health and strength. Yearly veterinary examinations are highly advised as they are very good at hiding symptoms of illness.

  • Chinchillas are generally hardy animals but can have several unique problems; understanding them will help you care for your pet and manage potential health problems.

  • Chinchillas are generally hardy animals but are susceptible to several unique health conditions; understanding them will help you care for your pet and manage potential health problems. This handout describes the most common conditions seen in pet chinchillas.

  • The cage should allow the chinchilla to move around a lot, as they are very active, agile, and acrobatic animals. Multilevel cages, similar to those designed for ferrets, work well, as long as there are no areas where a chinchilla could get its limbs or feet caught. Most owners house one or two pets in a cage; often the two pets are mates. Chinchillas require a dust bath for normal grooming. Cages should be emptied and cleaned at least weekly with soap and water.

  • Chlamydial conjunctivitis in cats is highly contagious and can look similar to herpes conjunctivitis. Young cats and kittens are especially vulnerable to this infection, although chlamydia can be detected in cats of all ages. It is one of the most common causes of infectious conjunctivitis in cats. This handout describes the clinical signs and how this condition can be treated or prevented.

  • Chlamydiosis (psittacosis, parrot fever, ornithosis) is a common disease of birds caused by a bacterial organism called Chlamydia psittaci. Birds with chlamydiosis exhibit a decreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, diarrhea, nasal or ocular discharge, a fluffed-up appearance, and breathing difficulties. Testing and treatment are discussed. Chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be passed to humans, so all new pet birds should be tested for this disease.

  • Chlorambucil is used to suppress the immune system and to treat abnormal tissue growth that may be either benign or cancerous. Examples of conditions the drug may be used for include lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, glomerulonephritis, non-erosive arthritis, immune-mediated skin disease (eg inflammatory bowel disease, feline pemphigus foliaceous and severe feline eosinophilic granuloma complex).

  • Chloramphenicol is given by mouth or injection and is used on and off-label to treat bacterial infections. Give as directed. Common side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite. Do not use in pets with blood disorders, in pediatric or geriatric animals, or in pregnant or nursing females. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinarian.